Course descriptions and dates

Academic curriculum with block structure

The 15 courses in the Academic Curriculum are divided into four blocks. During these blocks, course activity is high and a large portion of the fellow's time will be spent on preparation, course attendance, and assignments. Outside of the blocks, the fellow will focus on their research project and apply the knowledge, skills and network they have acquired through the courses.

Course activity is high in the first year of the programme, with two-thirds of the courses scheduled from Summer to Spring. Applicants should take this into account when designing their research project.

Tentative dates for the 2025-2027 Academic Curriculum

The course dates listed below pertain to the 15 courses in the 2025-2027 Academic Curriculum (commencing in September 2025). The dates are provisional and subject to change. Precise course dates will be provided to enrolled fellows at the start of the programme.

For further details about the 15 BRIDGE courses, please refer to the linked course descriptions below. Please note that the descriptions relate to courses running in 2024/2025 as part of the 2023-2025 and 2024-2026 Academic Curriula.

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