The BRIDGE Omics Programme

Welcome to the world of omics, where the intricacies of biological systems are unravelled through the lens of high-throughput data generation and analysis. In this series of three courses, we provide a structured approach to understanding biological data, starting with the basic principles of genomics, and progressing towards advanced techniques in multiomics analysis and systems biology.
The courses are designed to cater to postdoctoral scientists. Each course builds upon the knowledge gained from the preceding ones, offering a seamless progression through the layers of omics data analysis.
Translational Discovery Omics
The first course provides a comprehensive overview of genomics, from the basic principles of DNA structure and function to advanced techniques in sequencing and data analysis. Topics covered include genome organization, gene expression, genetic variation, and the application of genomics in areas such as personalized medicine and evolutionary biology.
In the second course, we will investigate the complexities of the proteome, exploring its composition, structure, function, and dynamic regulation. Proteins are the molecular machines that drive virtually every biological process, from cell signaling and metabolism to immune response and disease progression.
The third course provides a comprehensive overview of epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNAs, and their roles in regulating gene expression, development, and disease. A variety of model systems commonly used in biological research are presented and participants are introduced to the principles and methodologies of systems biology, including network analysis, mathematical modelling, and high-throughput data integration. Finally, the course explores the principles and applications of precision medicine across a range of disease areas, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and rare genetic conditions.
Through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and case studies, participants will gain a deep understanding of how omics is shaping modern biology and medicine.
Course practicalities
Dates in 2024
Welcome meeting at Panum: 2 October 9.00-10.00
Omics I: 7-9 October (3 days)
Omics II: 29 October – 1 November (4 days)
- Omics III: 11-13 November (3 days)
Course days are usually 9.00-16.00. Courses can have networking events in the evening. A detailed course programme will be shared about a month in advance of each course.
Preparation and exam
Course preparation and assignments are to be expected for all three courses.
Literature and information about assignments will be shared about a month in advance of each course.
To pass a course a participant must 1) be present and 2) participate actively in all course days.
Attendance will be registered during all course days.
Limited seats
The course capacity of the BRIDGE Omics Programme is limited to 4 seats in 2024.
Participants will follow the courses together with enrolled BRIDGE Fellows.
Applicants who are not offered a seat in the first round will be placed on a waiting list.
In case of cancellations from either participants or BRIDGE Fellows, applicants on the waiting list can be offered a seat up until 1 September 2024.
Cost, location, and materials
The three courses are free of cost.
Courses are held in the Panum building at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N.
Courses are taught in English.
Participants must bring their own laptop for the courses. Other course materials will be provided by the BRIDGE Programme.
Join BRIDGE Omics
Formal requirements
You can apply for the BRIDGE Omics Programme, if you:
1) Have
- an MD with a PhD (Specialist training is no hindrance to apply)
or - an MSc with a PhD within a relevant discipline such as veterinary science, biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics, pharmacy, dentistry, or medical engineering.
2) Have a PhD degree obtained no more than eight years prior to the application deadline*.
3) Have a research project with a translational focus
The project should cover early translational stages T₀ (Disease modelling, Omics studies, Basic Research) to T₁ (Biomarker discovery, Target development, Preclinical development).
The project may also cover early T2 (First in human, phase 1 clinical trials, phase 2 clinical trials, phase 2b clinical trials), but this is not a requirement.
4) Can participate in the full BRIDGE Omics Programme of all 10 course days and the welcome meeting.
*If you obtained your PhD degree more than eight years prior to the application deadline, you are welcome to apply but you will automatically be wait-listed. Should there be available seats on the Programme, participants will be selected from the waiting list.
Your qualifications
The BRIDGE Omics Programme is for you if you are highly motivated to participate in the courses and are eager to learn about the latest omics methods, results, and perspectives.
You should apply to the programme if you are interested in networking and cooperating with the BRIDGE Fellows and lecturers and see yourself as an ambitious scientist who is interested in bridging the gaps between research, medical treatment, and/or the life science industry.
We expect that you are scientifically independent, showing a high degree of academic maturity, and have:
- an enthusiastic interest in translational research.
- a specific purpose for following the courses that will support progress of either your research project or career in translational research (or both).
- a strong CV, having published in high-quality journals and presented at international conferences.
- the ability to communicate research ideas and results in a clear and logical way and the ability to interact with peers and the broader research community confidently and effectively.
- no or little experience with the topics covered in the three courses and
- are a good match with the BRIDGE Fellow cohort.
Apply for the programme
Your full application must contain four parts:
PART 1. *Application incl.
- Motivated application (max 0,5 page)
- Project description (max 1 page)
- Lay summary (max 1000 characters)
PART 2. *CV (max 2 pages excluding list of publications)
PART 3. *Approval from employer
PART 4. Documentation (preferably in English, if available)
- PhD diploma
- MD or MSc diploma or equivalent
*BRIDGE templates must be used for these parts.
Upload and submit your full application via the 'APPLY' box.
You will receive an e-mail receipt when you have submitted your application.
Questions? Contact us at bridge@sund.ku.dk
Deadline: Wednesday 29 May 2024, 23:59 CET
After application deadline
Applications will be reviewed by the BRIDGE Programme Management and prioritised for the limited seats on the BRIDGE Omics Programme.
We expect to send out offers for seats on the programme in week 25, 2024 (e-mails will come from bridge@sund.ku.dk). Applicants on the waiting list will also be notified in week 25.